0x6041 Statusword

This object indicates the status of the PDS FSA. Only bits 0-6 are supported.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ms oms ila tr rm ms w sod qs ve f oe so rtso

LEGEND: ms = manufacturer-specific; oms = operation mode specific; ila = internal limit active; tr = target reached; rm = remote; w = warning; sod = switch on disabled; qs = quick stop; ve = voltage enabled; f = fault; oe = operation enabled; so = switched on; rtso = ready to switch on

Name Index:Sub Type Bit Size Min Data Max Data Default Data Unit Access PDO Mapping
Statusword 0x6041:0 UINT 16 0 readonly (default) Transmit PDO (Inputs)